Sunday, November 16, 2008


This is Aubree, Kilie & Kelsey after the last performance of Brigadoon. It was exciting and fantastic. They did such a good job. Aubree tried out for the play in August. They have practiced there butts off. They ended with three performances 13th, 14th & 15th. This was a High School play and Aubree is in the 8th grade going to the Jr High.

This is most of the Brigadoon cast. The members were so excited they kept jumping in and out of the pictures while I was trying to take them. Aubree is next to Adam in the red vest in the back row.
Another cast picture.........crazy kids. Brigadoon was a Scottish play and even included a bag piper it was great.

This is a picture of Aubree and some of the crew. What a great bunch of kids they embraced her and loved her for who she is...... We are sooo proud of her she did a fantastic job with her speaking and singing parts. She LOVES LOVES LOVES doing these type of things we think she has found her new love. Her brothers have always called her DQ (drama queen) hahahaha oops shhhhhhhhh. These kids worked HOURS and HOURS on this play and did a fantastic job. Now that this is over she informed me on Friday that she has made it into Student Council...........AUBREE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :-}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Aubree i'm glad you had a good time keep it up.